“JOB PARK” New Bathing Beach To Be Opened
By William Francis
Otis ORMAN, Harold “Bud” JENSEN and Galen BAKER announced on 23 January, 1922, in The Clay City News, that they had leased an area covering several acres of river shore and wooded land of national beauty. It is part of the STEVENS farm located on the Eel River about six miles Northeast of Clay City on the Center Point road near what is known as the new bridge.
Plans are to open a bathing beach and amusement park to the public. With improvements they propose it will become a popular resort during the summer months. Plans are to have electric lights over the water and on land. There will be a bathhouse, springboards, and other similar equipment. A well will be sunk so there will be plenty of drinking water. Also, there will be a large amount of picnic tables spread over the park.
The new park is to be named “JOB Park” which has caused people all around to comment “what a queer name.” The paper states that one might consider the name in two ways. One, the place may become a consolation of all tired, vexed “Jobs” of the community. Or it could be the name stands for the names of the enterprising proprietors. The latter is found to be correct. C.C. ROUSH originated the name from the first initial of each proprietor’s last name, making it J.O.B.
By the 7th of July the improvements are almost finished, and people had already been gathering there. In fact, the paper states the numbers of pleasure seekers increased each day. At this date free radio concerts are in the planning.
In August 1924 the paper states the park is so popular that on several occasions, and all in one day, as many as 900-paid admission. In June of 1925 the park opened for the season on Sunday the 13th and was called Clay City’s favorite “old swimmin’ hole.”
For an interesting side-note on the same year, the park opened, another business was opened called Radio Supply Co. Two of the men who opened it were also involved with the park. They were Galen BAKER and Bud JENSEN.
Galen has not as yet completed high school but is noted to be a pioneer along with Floyd CORRELL, and Herman KAISER in building a radio. Galen made a loud speaking horn out of an old auto horn; eight people that were gathered listened to music from it. The new company plans to have a system set up for movie goers to listen to. Their business is located in the Photo Play building and this would be very fitting. The paper states Bud JENSEN needs no introduction because he is well known as a mechanical genius.
Ralph OSLER, the third partner in the Radio Supply Co. has electrical training but is not a partner in the Job Park adventure. It is also noted that Carl NICKEY is also a genius with radio fever and will probably add to the success of the new company. The company notes that it is here to help new converts to radio, the new wireless apparatus.