The CCGSI website is an ongoing project. As you can see the webpage is growing and will continue to grow in time as we keep finding more stuff that might interest you.
The articles from our old website have been moved here and are arranged in the menu to the left. If you have old links to the articles please discard those links and find new ones here. We find the new system is much easier to use. If you can’t find something from the old webpage use the new search feature or drop us a line on the Contact page. We are always glad to hear from you!
In the next few weeks we will be adding to the Queries page and adding some old time photos of people and places. Some of the photos will have great information with them and others will need names filled in. We would love it if you could supply any additional information to the Query page or to our page of Photos. We will also be adding pictures to the Gallery so check it out soon as well.
Also on the agenda will be additions to the publications for sale page. The Society has many items for the Clay County Genealogist for sale including Clay County History Books, Cemetery Books, Maps, Cd’s, and other supplies. Monies from our sales help to keep our Library open and running.
Up coming Events

There will be a Centennial Celebration to honor our own Clay County Courthouse on September 6, 2014.
Music, Tours, Refreshments, Souvenir Cups, and Special Guests will be available throughout the afternoon and a Program will be at 2:30 P.M.
You can read more about the celebration here or visit the Clay County Courthouse Centennial website.