Tag Archives: New Publication

Journey into the Past

Our new book, Journey into the Past, is now available for pick up at the Genealogy Library in Center Point.  The library is open on Monday and Wednesday from 10:00 to 4:00.

Information in the book began as articles in The Brazil Times, published in Brazil, Indiana.  They were written by Clay County Genealogy volunteers and began appearing weekly on August 19, 2015.   The articles are about people, places, and events that shaped Clay County, Indiana.  Articles begin with the Indians in the county before Indiana became a state in 1816 and a county in 1825.

The book is 217 pages in length with an additional  22-page index of people and places.  The book is 6″ x 9″ with a spiral wire binding.  (See the post below for pictures of the cover of the book.)  The cost of the book is $23.54, which includes tax.  If you cannot come to the library to get your book, we will mail it to you for an additional $4.50 for shipping handling.

New Book: Journey into the Past

Journey into the Past

Place your order now for our new book, Journey into the Past, which was compiled by members of the Clay County Genealogy Society.  Pictures are includes with many of the articles.

The information in this book began as articles in The Brazil Times, published in Brazil, Indiana. Representing the Clay County Genealogical Society, Jo Ann Pell and Patricia  Wilkinson met with the Pete Wilson, The Brazil Times Editor, and requested permission to submit weekly articles about the history of Clay County during the Indiana Bi-Centennial Year 2016.   

Mr. Wilson published the first article on August 19, 2015, under the general heading of “Clay County Through the Years.” Accompanying each article was the explanation: “For the next several months and leading up to and through 2016 State of Indiana Bi-Centennial, volunteers from the Clay County Genealogy Library will detail the history of Clay County as it was recorded. Partnering with The Brazil Times in publishing these historical accounts, articles are expected to appear bi-weekly in Wednesday editions of the newspaper.”

There was so much information about the people, places, and events in Clay County that as of the publication date of this book, over 320 articles have been published. The articles in Journey into the Past are in chronological order of events, beginning from the time before Indiana became a state in 1816, and followed by articles after Clay County became a county in 1825.

The majority of articles were submitted by Clay County Genealogy Library volunteers, Jo Ann Pell, Rhonda Tincher, and Patricia  Wilkinson. Others who contributed articles were Alice Ann Courtney, Wilmadean Schepper, Clifford Blanchard, and Jeff Koehler, Clay County Historian.

The book has 217 pages plus a 22-page index of people and places in Clay County.  We are currently taking orders for the book, which is now at the publishers.  The book is 6” x 9” with a spiral wire binding.  Below are pictures of the front and back of the book.  Reserve your copy by calling the Genealogy Library (812-835-5005) Mondays and Wednesdays from 10:00 to 4:00; the 1st and 3rd Saturdays from noon to 4:00; or the first Sunday of each month from noon to 4:00.


The cover of the book is pictured to the left, and the back cover of the book is pictured below it.